Define customs and traditions

Define customs and traditions


Define customs and traditions


The idea of customs and traditions linguistically

Habits are defined in numerous Arabic dictionaries as a sample of conduct or routine behavior that is completed again and again without attempt, including the addiction to smoking, and the habit of mendacity, as it relates to the primitive lifestyles that goes returned to the primary generation without development or innate improvement.

As for the traditions, they may be the inherited customs, ideals, actions, and civilization of man that the successor inherits from the predecessor, and it's singular: imitation.

Customs and traditions idiomatically

Customs are customs inherited from generations to turn out to be part of their religion and hold so long as they relate to beliefs as a cultural inheritance, as they're an expression of a certain perception. As for traditions, they're hard and fast rules of conduct that result from the agreement of a collection of humans and derive their power from society and imply ancient beyond moves. Stretched through time, and the accumulated information that society exceeded through and surpassed down from the ancestor technology after era, which might be social customs that lasted for long periods until they became a way of life, and are quoted from the past to the existing and then to the future because it serves as an inner gadget for a specific society

The significance of traditions in societies

There are many motives for the importance of following traditions, consisting of the subsequent:

  • Creating Memories: Memories final a lifetime to end up a subject of communique that the family contributors appeal to at some point in their conferences.
  • Strengthening the bond: by using making family contributors eager for their meeting date to enforce the inherited customs and traditions, which makes them sense happy and secure, in addition to strengthening the bonds between people and households.
  • Bridging the Generation Gap: By passing on traditions from one era to the following, commonplace bonds can be acquired using speaking approximately extraordinary reminiscences and testimonies.
  • A feel of identification: When someone follows the traditions of his own family, he can also locate himself and find out them without feeling misplaced or not belonging to any organization.

Differences in customs and traditions among nations

Customs and traditions are legacies that originate from the human surroundings and upbringing, which justifies this difference in step with the geographical and religious range of people. Among the manifestations of the difference is what seems in the following:


The various famous activities and the street dances that individuals carry out within the streets as an expression of pleasure are one of the traditions of the Koreans. The fan dance, which is understood with the aid of almost all Koreans, gathers to be achieved by using girls who wear adorned clothes and hold colorful paper lovers in businesses with the overall performance of coordinated group moves, the most well-known of that is One of those traditions in Korea is for the groom to water his bride along with his hands when preserving the wedding ceremony and to bow to every different.


Firefighters in Tokyo in Japan nonetheless celebrate October 1 of each year, the tattoo pageant, which dates back to the times when Tokyo become referred to as Beidou with wooden homes uncovered to the hearth, as firefighters played a key position in defensive it, and these men placed tattoos Animals symbolizing power, which includes lions and others imitating it, even as this tradition spread most of the ranks of regular people, and moved to turn out to be a vacation celebrated every 12 months.


The customs and traditions related to the bridal ceremony range between nations. In Libya, for example, the wedding lasts for seven whole days, in the course of which the groom’s own family goes out in a massive procession referred to as the day of throwing or throwing to give the day to the bride’s circle of relatives, whilst the identical procession goes out at the day of henna, singing about the blessings of the groom and bride until the appearance to the bridal ceremony. Her home and the opposition among their households keep offering nice, even though the groom’s family does not return until they take a few items from the bride’s house, such as pillows, an empty water cup, or an oil box as a blessed ritual that brings advantages and stability to them later. The concept of customs and traditions linguistically

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