The most famous Greek myths

The most famous Greek myths


 The most famous Greek myths

The maximum famous Greek myths

Greece (the united states of America of the Greeks) is famous for its high-quality archaeological and cultural heritage, and some of the most distinguished cultural relics and immortal legends are memories of superheroes, ancient gods, and testimonies of affection and revenge, as they unfold inside the beyond and from them are still to our present time, and the most famous of those legends are:

The legend of the war 

of the titans handled the first creation and the emergence of the earth and is one of the maximum well-known Greek myths in any respect. According to the Greek lifestyle, the sector became living in a country of chaos, and there has been only darkness and dirt, then the earth, mountains, solar, moon, stars, and sky have been born. (Uranus).

After that, Uranus married from the earth and gave a start to the titans, but Uranus feared for his throne from his kids and put them beneath the depths of the earth to save them from taking the throne.

The nymphs of the earth took care of the new child Zeus till he grew up, and after he grew up and with a trick, he entered his father’s stomach and freed his brothers the bigger gods than him, after which led a navy of the gods in a battle that ended with their victory, their agreement on Mount Olympus, and the imprisonment of the amazing enemies in Tatars, the dark place some distance from earth.

The legend of Hercules

Hercules is referred to as the strongest and most well-known Greek hero in Greek mythological records, he turned into born as an everyday toddler of a mortal woman from the earth, however, his father was the chief of the gods Zeus, so he is considered as a half of-god and half-human who enjoyed excellent energy and excellent stamina.

Hercules grew up under the auspices of his supposed father Amphitryon, and his father took extraordinary care of his upbringing, had high-quality instructors, and turned into blind to his powers, as Hera, the spouse of his father Zeus, sought all his life to do away with him, after mastering that he turned into the illegitimate son of her husband Zeus.

The peak of the parable of Hercules started out with his combat towards the Minions and the healing of order in Thebes. After this struggle, Heraclius have become a young hero, married to the daughter of a king named Megara, and he had 3 sturdy sons, but Hera couldn't stand the state of affairs and sent infantrymen to kill his kids and his wife Megara.

Heraclius changed into exaggerated, irritated, and sad, till he turned into expelled from the lands of Athens after killing numerous people he believed were associated with the murder of his circle of relatives, and to catch up on his sins he observed the orders of his cousin King Eurystheus and did 12 legendary moves, the most well-known of which was the killing of the Nemean lion and the monster Hydra.

Prometheus the thief of fire

Prometheus is one of the titans who were now not involved in the awesome battle between the titans and the gods, so after it ended and Zeus took manage of the universe, he gave an undertaking to Prometheus, however because of his sharp and supernatural intelligence he devised an evil plan aimed at stealing fireplace from the gods.

Prometheus threw a golden pear or an apple, as in a few assets, in front of the gods, with a message which it turned into written "for the most lovely gods ever."

Prometheus left the mountain of the gods glad about fire and took it to earth and gave it to people (as he loved people so much), and whilst Zeus learned of the theft of fire, he have become mad and ordered the pursuit of Prometheus, and after his arrest, he changed into chained to a rock at the mountain of the Caucasus, and an eagle was ordered to eat his liver for all time resulting from his heinous act.

During his adventure in his 12 missions, Hercules observed Prometheus in chains and requested his father Zeus to launch him, and he killed the eagle that ate his liver.

Other Greek Myths

Many Greek myths need volumes of books to be narrated and blanketed, and a number of the most famous of those myths come:
  • The delusion of Hades and Persephone.
  • The legend of Pandora's box.
  • The legend of naming the city of Athens.
  • The Myth of Minotaur and Theseus.
  • The legend of Daedalus and Icarius.
  • The legend of King Aegis.
  • The legend of the superhero Oedipus.

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