The impact of technology on our lives

The impact of technology on our lives


The impact of technology on our lives


There is no doubt that we are living a tremendous development in the field of technology, and this technology has affected our lives negatively or positively. Or one field, but we still hear daily about discoveries and inventions that scientists have reached.

Technology has spread in all regions and people use it at all times. It is no longer limited to work and in advanced societies, but anyone, regardless of their cultural or social level, or even regardless of their age, can use a cell phone, for example, and take pictures, send and receive them.

The impact of technology on our lives

We cannot be wronged by technology in some negative actions and influences. Each person is the one who determines the way he uses this technology in a negative or positive way. The same technology can be used by two people in a different ways, and its impact is from two sides:

The positive effects of technology

Technology has been able to solve many outstanding problems in our lives. The development of medical tools, for example, has led to the rapid finding of suitable medicines for some diseases. In the old days, seasonal influenza caused the death of a large number of people, while now it is one of the simplest things that a person can be exposed to and recover from. He does not feel his symptoms.

Also, the development of means of transportation made it easy to move from one place to another without getting tired or waiting for a long time. In the past, people used animals or their legs to move from one place to another, and some trips required him to walk for months, while now moving from one country to another does not need hours.

The means of communication were able to bring people closer together through audio and video conversations, so it became possible to reassure those who live in another country or another country, after the old means of communication were letters and paper images. 

The negative impact of technology

As we mentioned, two people can use the same technology in a different way, for example, the means of communication used by some and relied on on them instead of meeting and visiting people, and we talk about visiting those who live at close distances, and these means led the addicted to isolate from people and suffer from mental illnesses.

Total dependence on advanced technological means leads to a lack of human activity and lack of exercise, the emergence of back diseases from sitting too much and not moving, obesity, and a negative impact on sleep as a result of radiation emission from electrical devices in the bedrooms, and the use of smart devices before sleeping has Negative effect on the brain and ability to sleep.

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