What is Metaverse?

What is Metaverse?


What is Metaverse?

The world of the "Metaverse" has become dominated by the strategies of major companies that have re-designed their products based on it, amid questions about the nature of the term, and the reasons behind calling it by many institutions.

Microsoft cited the so-called “Metaverse” as the reason for its purchase of electronic game developer Activision Blizzard for $68.7 billion in cash, and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg bet Metaverse to rename the social networking company “Meta.” Apple also relied on it to design a number of its own devices.

The parallel universe of "Metaverse" blends science fiction with the reality that is slowly being translated on Earth, despite criticism and fears, but the technical path is still long.

The term has been around for decades, but the current boom in interest is just the latest culmination of a years-long campaign to make these developments work for everyone.

What is metaverse?

A concept with broad connotations, but often referring to the evolution of the Internet, it is usually described as online spaces where people can socialize, work and play as avatars.

These shared spaces don't disappear when you're done using them, like a Zoom call; It includes the worlds of metaverses in digital worlds, which allow players to gather in 2D environments

Will there be one metaverse? Or many metaverse?

Metaverse will be the "successor" of mobile Internet use. The idea of ​​having a lot of metaverse depends on companies coordinating with each other.

What would it look like in "Metaverse"?

“Metaverse” is a digital universe that will give a person his own avatar, the addresses of which will be registered on digital platforms, with digital assets. Screens, holograms, virtual reality helmets and augmented reality goggles are supposed to gradually allow “movements” from virtual universes to actual places, akin to “teleportation.”

For example, at the end of last April, a series of five virtual concerts were held, during which the American rapper Travis Scott appeared on “Fortnite” in the form of an avatar, and was followed by more than 12 million users.

Some video games have created "paranormal universes" of limited size for their players, including the "Roblox" platform, which includes a large number of games created by children and teenagers, and the game "Fortnite", which has 350 million users.

What kind of equipment do I need to get into Metaverse?

It depends on where you want to go or the network that allows it to be used.

For example, Facebook wants a user to buy one of the $300 headphones, even though the device is self-contained and does not require the use of a computer or game console.

A few other companies, such as Microsoft, are making AR headsets that put digital information above the real world, while others are developing ways for augmented reality glasses to work with phones, though most of the apps have so far been experimental or business-focused.

Where did the term "metaverse" come from?

The term was coined by the novelist Neil Stephenson, who coined the term “metaverse” in 1992 in his novel “Snow Crash,” in which he imagined living virtual characters meeting in three-dimensional buildings and other virtual reality environments.


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