Doubt disease

Doubt disease


Doubt disease 

Doubt disease

Suspicion disease is an erotic personality disorder, which is a type of abnormal or strange personality disorder, and it means that a person behaves in strange or unusual behavior about others, so people who suffer from this disease are highly suspicious of others, do not trust the motives of others, and believe that they want to harm them They hold grudges, and they find indirect words through talking to them, and they deflect them as a threat even in the simplest events and comments, and they are quick to anger and feel hostility towards others.

Symptoms of the disease

There are some symptoms experienced by people with schizophrenia:

  • Constant caution, and their belief that others are trying to harm and threaten them, and this matter is unfounded.
  • Lack of trust in others, and not disclosing their personal information to others because they are afraid of using it against them.
  • Constantly doubting the loyalty and trust of others without a specific reason, believing that others are deceiving and taking advantage of them.
  • Hatred and unforgiveness. Excessive sensitivity and intolerance of criticism.
  • Understand the hidden meanings in the ordinary and innocent statements, or the ordinary views of others in their way. Difficulty relaxing.
  • They do not interfere in solving problems or conflicts, because they believe they are always right.
  • Tendency to develop negative stereotypical beliefs about others, especially in different cultural groups.
  • Stubborn, hostile, and argumentative people.

complications of the disease

There are some complications associated with this disease, in which the thinking and behaviors associated with it may interfere with a person's ability to maintain relationships, inability to engage in society and work environments, participate in legal battles, or sue people or companies they think want to eliminate them.

disease treatment

People who suffer from this disease do not seek treatment on their own in most cases, because they do not see that they are suffering from a problem. When they seek treatment, psychological therapy is recommended for these people. Treatment is likely to focus on increasing general coping skills, Improving social interaction, communication, and self-esteem, and because trust is an essential factor of psychotherapy, treatment is a difficult process because people with this disease have a lack of trust in others. As a result, many of them do not follow their treatment plan, and medication is not a major focus. For treatment, however, certain medications, such as antianxiety, antidepressants, or antipsychotic drugs, may be prescribed if the person's symptoms are extreme, or if these people have a psychological problem associated with the disease, such as anxiety or depression.


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