expression of injustice

expression of injustice


 expression of injustice

Ali bin Abi Talib, may God honor his face, said: Do not be wronged if you are not powerful, for the last injustice brings you regret.

Injustice is unfairness and unfairness, and it is a violation of the rights of others by putting something in its place, and it is one of the abhorrent acts that a healthy character rejects. Necessity, as it came in the Qudsi hadith: (O My servants, I have forbidden injustice to Myself and made it forbidden among you, so do not oppress one another).

There are many forms of injustice in society, so someone’s injustice to himself seems through turning far away from God’s monotheism and polytheism with Him, and by using committing sins and transgressions that lead him to destruction, and a person’s injustice to different human beings is by backbiting, gossip, horrific suspicion and different movements of the tongue, or through usurping their rights, and accusing them of falsehood, Eating their cash, assaulting their honor, and other moves of the prey. As for a person’s injustice to his own family, it is by means of discriminating between children, preferring one over the opposite, not appreciating the spouse, and denying her effort, and it is also via not assembly the desires of his circle of relatives notwithstanding his capability to accomplish that, and it can be A individual is unjust to his society by committing horrific acts that waste and squander the skills of society; consisting of espionage, cooperation with enemies, and the sale of facts, and injustice may additionally have an effect on animals as nicely; Where it's far by using taking their lives for no cause or assaulting them via suffocation, beatings, and other inhuman matters.

In his introduction, Ibn Khaldun mentioned a chapter entitled (Injustice Heralds the Destruction of Urbanization) to show the great effects of injustice that accrue to the individual and society. Injustice is a loss in this world and the hereafter, and a reason for deserving God's wrath and expulsion from His mercy, and it is a reason for spreading enmity and hatred among members of society. Spreading corruption in it, and a society known for its injustice deserves the wrath of God and the removal of blessing from it, with what it shows of hatred, hatred, and other pests; such as revenge, theft and others, which leads to the dissipation of his energies; As oppression stands as a strong obstacle to its progress and renaissance, its security and stability instead of directing it to keep pace with the times and develop its capabilities. How beautiful it is for a person to be just with himself and others, observing God’s limits so that he can survive himself and spread goodness and peace.

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