Kimetsu no yaiba season 1

Kimetsu no yaiba season 1


kimetsu no yaiba season 1 

The story of the anime Kimetsu no Yaiba revolves around Tanjiro Kamado, a kind-hearted and intelligent boy who lives with his family, and earns money by selling coal, because after the death of his father, their lives enter into a severe tragedy, and it is responsible of Tanjiro Kamado to provide for his family, everything changes when his family is exposed Killed by demons, and his sister Nezuko is the only survivor of the accident, but turned into a demon Tanjiro becomes a demon slayer to help his sister, and avenge the death of his family. As this story happened in the ancient era, due to the spread of rumors since ancient times about the danger of human-eating demons, and because of these rumors, the local townspeople do not venture out at night due to the presence of these bloodthirsty demons. Therefore, Tangir joins the Demon Slayer Corps, after being trained by Urukdaki Sakonji, the former water column. He carries the breath of the sun, which is the main breath of the other breaths, and it helps him while avenging the death of his family. It also helps him while saving his sister from demons to fight demons and turn his sister back into a human being. This interesting story has two names: the official name: Kimetsu no Yaiba, the Arabic name: Demon Slayer,

You can watch Demon Slayer Here


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